B 71 Drop By Bakson
B 71 Also Known as Arthropathy Drops
Arthropathy is a collective word for any disease of the joints including the Inflammation of several Joints in a body along with swelling and stiffness of joints.
Stiffness and swelling of joints.
Other Indications of B71 Arthropathy Drops
Lower back pain, knee joint pains
B 71 drop contains:-
Acidum sulphuricum 6x:  Jerking of fingers while writing. 
Argentum met. 12x: Rigidity of calves. Debility in calves especially. Walks and stands unsteadily, especially when unobserved. Numbness of arms, Pains increase and decrease gradually  
Arnica mont.4x: Limbs and body ache as if beaten; joints as if sprained. Pain in back and limbs, as if bruised or beaten. Sprained and dislocated feeling is relieved 
Bryonia alb. 4x: Stitching pains in Joints, greatly aggravated by any motion. Hot swelling of feet. Joints red, swollen, hot, with stitches and tearing. 
Causticum hah.12x: Dull, tearing pain in hands and arms. Heaviness and weakness. Tearing joints. Burning in joints. Cracking and tension in knees with stiffness. 
Ledum pal. 3x: Gouty pains shoot all through the foot and limb, and in joints, Cracking in joints, Ball of great to swollen. Joints are swollen, hot and pale. 
10-15 drops should be diluted in water and taken 3 times a day. 
B 71 drop is available in 30 ml glass bottle


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B 71 drop

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